Homesteaders’ Gooey Pecan, date and chocolate chip Oatmeal peanut butter Cookies

This weekend I had to push myself into the holiday spirit. Saturday was a day full of traveling over the passes and then coming home to snow on the ground and dirty rabbit hutches. Then Sunday the snow plow would not start as well as the chainsaw and I just felt exhausted and defeated. I…

Winter’s Grasp

Winter this year will not catch me off guard. I have stocked up my wood pile, installed a propane heater as a backup heat source inside the house and completed a full maintenance on the snow plow. This being my first full winter here on the homestead has me a little apprehensive. I feel blessed…

Livestock Feed Cost Saver!

This week has been one for huge savings on chicken and rabbit feed- I was able to score 3 boxes full of produce from the local grocer and paid absolutely nothing! There are all kinds of delicious treats for my chickens and rabbits to feast on. This was not the only score I made this…

A new rabbit hutch

Last week I got a wild hair and decided to add an English angora to my rabbitry. So naturally, I needed to build another hutch as well to keep all my girls healthy, happy and safe. I went ahead and drove the dodge to work so that I could visit the lumber yard on lunch….

Winter food stores

We have harvested all the capped honey from our hives and now we must ensure our colonies make it through winter. Luke calls the candy boards insurance for our bees because it is much cheaper to winter the colonies with sugar bricks than to let them potentially starve to death over winter. Winterizing overall is…